Dressing the Part

Hello everyone,

As you all know if you follow me on Facebook or on Twitter you know that I have been attempting to re-enter the workforce. Yes, I’m currently job hunting, and believe me it’s a full-time job trying to find a job. I’ve been filling out countless applications online, submitting my resume, and have been on several interviews.

Yesterday, I went on an interview for a job I applied for about six (6) months ago, that I’m really hoping I get. The work environment is somewhat relaxed and the dress is business casual. I definitely didn’t want to overdress however, being the self proclaimed diva that I am Smile I couldn’t under dress either. Here’s what I wore:



Grey Pinstripe pants & vest- Dots

Lavender shirt- Dots

Faux Pearl accessories- The Body Shop

Grey Fergie Shoes- Shoe Dept.
