Being Obedient
Over the years I have learned to be submissive for the right reasons and situations. I'm still working on the obedience part.
For those who know me, you also know my struggle with religion. My mom started out in Baptist church, then converted to Islam. I've had a very difficult time with church and what I have observed from those that I have attended. In my adulthood, I've decided I don't want to be a part of a mega church. I didn't want to be a part of a church that passed the basket 10 times before church service was finally over. I definitely didn't want to be somewhere I wasn't able to relate to the other members or the Pastor.
Islam taught me a lot about being a woman, a spouse, and standing for something. So I knew when I finally decided to start looking for a church home, I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted.
Last year I finally found somewhere that I'm comfortable and know I can grow spiritually. My Pastor is awesome, and a prophet. I haven't gotten close with anyone at church so I don't talk to anyone about what is going on with me but Pastor will call me out in a heartbeat and tell me everything that has been going on.
Sunday she asked for everyone that was having issues paying tithes to come to the alter, so I did. Now this is the first church I have EVER actually wanted to pay tithes and feel bad not being able to do so.
Every time I go to alter call (and often times when I don't) Pastor prophesies several things repeatedly and one is finances. She tells me and my kids all the time she sees millionaires in our family. Please note: I accept this 100%. This past Sunday during the call in regards to tithes she prophesied finances over me once again. She also told me to read a scripture about prosperity, daily. Well I'm being obedient and doing just that. I am tired of blocking my blessings.
Daphne Marie
The Image Creator
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