Purpose Driven Life- Part I

This book was a huge success several years ago. I still read mine when I find myself needing reassurance on what my purpose is. I also loan this book to my friends who at times, have lost faith, just aren't sure what to do next, and just really need to find out what their purpose in life is.

At 37, there isn't much that I haven't been through, or experienced in life. I can say, that I don't regret any choices I've made in my life because every last one of them have made me the woman I am today.

I'm not ashamed of anything I've done, and if asked, I share my story. There are times when I've shared my story, that people see me in a whole new light, and begin to understand why I may react a certain way to certain things.

Considering some of the things that happened to me as a child, I know my life could have taken a path that could have totally destroyed me. Instead, I chose to live not just for me but for my children. I had my first son at 21. I had got pregnant one time before that and made a choice not to have the baby.

My son gave my life more purpose than what it already had. I had another son 3 years later and a daughter 18 months later.

I have a sister on my mom's side and she had some difficulties carry babies. Two years after my daughter was born I had yet another baby for my sister. He is 10.

Even at 37 I find myself wondering what my purpose is in life. But as I've been reflecting the last few weeks on things, I have realized what my purpose is, no matter how much I try to fight it.

I've come across some women in my life that have become like little sisters to me. And even through my own struggles, I've realized that I'm an inspiration to them. This is not something that I set out to do. It's just something that comes naturally from within and is from the heart.

The purpose you see for yourself, may not be the one that God has called you for. I've done some things that sometimes I sit back and can't believe I actually did that. But God hasn't stopped blessing me for the unselfishness that's a part of my character.

You never know when you are going to find your purpose, but when it's time for you to find it, EMBRACE IT, ACCEPT IT, and Pass on the BLESSINGS.






  1. Wow Daphne! That's deep and I can honestly relate. I too went through with a termination before I had Drelon at 21. I often regret it and think, what if? Being a mother has taught, is teaching, and will teach me alot so I'm already buckled up! I believe my purpose in life is to serve God, and whatever is in his will for me to have or do will fall into place. <3


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